Zoe’s Annual Compost Fundraiser!

It’s that time of year again!! (Though you wouldn’t know it to look outside…)

Preorders will be accepted until Friday, May 12 at 5 pm. There will be a limited amount of compost available for purchase on site.

Happy growing!

Get Dirty for Zoe’s


It’s that time of year…..time for Zoe’s Annual Compost Sale!

From now until May 1, we are pre-selling bags of organic compost from Cleanit Greenit Composting System Inc.

Money raised from our fundraisers help us save animals like Maxie, who is recovering from Parvo (among other health concerns) and enable us to bring in mamas and their litters:

[fb-post href=https://www.facebook.com/Zoesanimalrescue/photos/a.131756630300435.28048.127062124103219/673992449410181/?type=3&theater]

Email ZoesCompost@gmail.com for more information or to place your order.

Thank you for your continued support!