Kit-Kat McCatface

Poconos Reddeer


Fosters of the Week: The Cat Crew

This week, we are featuring past feline Fosters of the Week who are still waiting for their forever family to find them.


First up: Beautiful bonded siblings, Miss Blue and George Weasley. These two have been adopted out twice and returned twice due to changing family circumstances. But when life handed them lemons, they, somehow, made catnip! Empty lap on a cold winter evening? Adopt these two furry cuddlers and never have a cold lap again!

Next: Two more bonded siblings, Wednesday and Merlina. You’ll never have a dull moment with these silly sisters! Their foster mom describes them as “Pirates” and “Partners in Crime.” They love playing and chasing each other and being adorably mischevious. Cut the cable! Entertain yourself with these sisters instead!

Does your home need a gentleman cat? Look no further than Moose Shrek! Described as quiet, unassuming, sweet, sensitive and soulful, Moose Shrek is the purrrrrfect man-cat. This guy is FULL of love and affection AND he’ll always help with the dishes. Looking for the perfect man? You’ve found him!

Looking for the perfect lady? We have you covered there, too! Heather Willow is as sweet as she is beautiful. She’s a little on the shy side, but there is nothing she loves more than curling up on a lap for a good, long snooze. She’s also a big, BIG fan of catnip. Adopt this gorgeous tortie sweetheart and you’ll have a best friend for life!

Fosters of the Week: George Weasley & Miss Blue


Hi, I’m George, the handsome tabby chap on the right. The smoke show on the left is my sister, Miss Blue.

Don’t mind her. She’s not a snoot, she’s just not as outgoing and adventurous as I am. She’s always in a good mood though and loves to snuggle. In fact, Blue always gets the best snuggle spots and I just fit myself in where I can. I’m a gentleman like that.

We were born at Zoe’s back in 2013.


Look at us! Aren’t we just so cute!?!

We found a home together quite quickly however, we were returned. ::sad face:: We were adopted again, but then our people changed jobs and would be travelling for weeks at a time. ::double sad face:: So here we are…. Back at Zoe’s again. (It’s totally true what they say about Zoe’s… Once a Zoe’s animal, always a Zoe’s animal.)

We’re not down, though, nope! We’ve got each other and Zoe’s has the best foster homes.

As happy as we are here, we really would love to settle down with a forever family. We’re not exactly sure what we are looking for in a forever home, outside of humans who love us, of course. We haven’t been around dogs, so we don’t know how we feel about them. We haven’t been around other cats either, so no opinions on them. (We do like each other, so… haha!) We’ve been around babies, but not kids; we imagine kids would be fine as long as they can respect our space and boundaries. Our only steadfast request is that we must be adopted together. We’ve been together since birth and want to stay together.

If you ask us, we are right in the thick of the sweet spot of Cathood. We are past that annoying kitten stage (we aren’t too proud to admit how annoying we probably were when we were younger), but we still love to play and have fun. We’ve had three years to perfect our cuddle and believe us when we say we are serious pros. We are Turnkey Cats, bring us home, add water and love, and ta-da!!!!

You know what they say about cats…. Why have one when you can have TWO!!

Check out our bios, here and here, and apply to adopt us today! You know you want to!!

Kitty Extravaganza: Class of BFFs

Welcome to Zoe’s Kitty Extravaganza!

For the entire month of August, all of our cats and kittens will be available for adoption by a minimum donation, instead of our regular adoption fees, and each week our blog will feature a different ‘class’ of feline interviews.

This week: Our BFF Class!

These five pair of felines are so in love with each other, they are now BFFs for life and must be adopted together. Why have one cat when you can have two!?! Our thoughts exactly!


tolosName: Toulouse
Favourite treat/food/toy: Katnip Kickers!
Describe yourself in three words: Shy, cuddly, & cute.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Angelina Jolie, adopter extraordinaire.
Who is your best friend forever? Rocquefort
What do you like most about your BFF? His cuddles.
What annoys you the most about your BFF? Nothing! I love everything about Rocky!
Where can we find your bio? Right here!

Favourite treat/food/toy:
Katnip Kickers!
Describe yourself in three words: Cuddly, playful, sweet.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Sandra Bullock, she’d be the third BFF.
Who is your best friend forever? Toulouse
What do you like most about your BFF? He’s the best playmate!
What annoys you the most about your BFF? Nothing, Toulouse is the best friend a guy could ask for!
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



Untitled design (2)Name: Hopper
Favourite treat/food/toy: I like ALL kinds of treats, I may even nibble straight out of your hand!
Describe yourself in three words: Timid, shy, cuteness.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Lady Gaga
Who is your best friend forever? Petrie
What do you like most about your BFF? Everything!
What annoys you the most about your BFF? Not a darn thing!
Where can we find your bio? Right here!

Name: PetrieUntitled design (3)
Favourite treat/food/toy: Anything soft and delicious.
Describe yourself in three words: Adorable, cozy, granny-cat
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Stephen Hawkings
Who is your best friend forever? Hopper
What do you like most about your BFF? She loves me unconditionally.
What annoys you the most about your BFF? She’s attached to my hip and sometimes steals my food.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



George-Weasley-e1458181847869 Name: George Weasley
Favourite treat/food/toy: Laser pointers!!
Describe yourself in three words: Explore, cuddle, play.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Reba McEntire, we have the same colouring.
Who is your best friend forever?  Miss Blue
What do you like most about your BFF? Blue is ALWAYS in a good mood.
What annoys you the most about your BFF? I always have to give up the best cuddle spots for her.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!

Name: Miss BlueMiss-Blue-e1458185624329
Favourite treat/food/toy: 
String toys!! They are the best!
Describe yourself in three words: Kisses, cuddles, love.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Taylor Swift, a crazy cat lady who would buy me the fanciest cat trees.
Who is your best friend forever? George Weasley
What do you like most about your BFF? He always lets me steal the beset cuddle spots.
What annoys you the most about your BFF? He’s too adventurous, naps & cuddles are where it’s at.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



donbffName: Don Drapurr
Favourite treat/food/toy: Anything with gravy. ANYTHING.
Describe yourself in three words: Want more attention.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Penn Jilette
Who is your best friend forever? Leonardo Decatrio
What do you like most about your BFF? I can’t always count on Leo for a great game of chase!
What annoys you the most about your BFF? He’s such a scaredy cat when people come to visit us….
Where can we find your bio? Right here!

Name: Leonardo Decatrioleobff
Favourite treat/food/toy: Gravy. ::Drooooool::
Describe yourself in three words: Shy, reluctant, but FULL of love.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Teller
Who is your best friend forever? Don Drapurr
What do you like most about your BFF? He’s the BEST rug ripper upper partner!
What annoys you the most about your BFF? He always steals the best snuggle spots when our foster mom is loving on us.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



Name: Dr. Mewthumbnail
Favourite treat/food/toy: 
Describe yourself in three words: Timey Wimey Adventure
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Matt Smith who looks almost as good in bowties as I do. Although any incarnation of The Doctor would do.
Who is your best friend forever? Roary Williams
What do you like most about your BFF? He is a loyal companion who always has my back. And a good pillow.
What annoys you the most about your BFF? He likes to steal all the balls. Then I have to chase him to get them back.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!

Name: Roary Williams
Favourite treat/food/toy: All things ball. I like to carry them around in my mouth. I am also particularly fond of my tail.
Describe yourself in three words: Run! Sleep. Run!
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Karen Gillan will always have my heart.
Who is your best friend forever? Dr. Mew
What do you like most about your BFF? He’s always ready for an adventure and he offers me all of space & time.
What annoys you the most about your BFF? Sometimes The Doctor just likes to kiss too much. 
Where can we find your bio? Right here!




Kitty Extravaganza: The Special Class

Welcome to Zoe’s Kitty Extravaganza!

For the entire month of August, all of our cats and kittens will be available for adoption by a minimum donation, instead of our regular adoption fees, and each week our blog will feature interviews with a different ‘class’ of felines.

First up: The Special Class!

All of our fosters are special in their own way, but these five felines have a little extra specialness.


Name: Crossy
Favourite treat/food/toy: I love Blue Buffalo wet food.
Describe your life in three words: Curious, full of love & cuddles.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter: Ricky Gervais
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? I would buy tons of food and supplies so I could help all the animals in need.
What are your special requests? I have an autoimmune condition that requires occasional treatment.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



Name: Princess Peachprincess peach
Favourite treat/food/toy: Freeze dried salmon!
Describe your life in three words: Sassy, affectionate, chatty.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter: Lady Gaga, darling.
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? FOOOOOD! All of it. All the food and all the treats.
What are your special requests? I’d like a home without cats or children, please.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



HeatherName: Heather Willow
Favourite treat/food/toy: I like catnip. And catnip. And my favourite, catnip. And laser pointers. And catnip.
Describe your life in three words: Play, sleep, catnip.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter: Ellen Degeneres, because obviously!
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? Wet food for all the homeless kitties. And catnip.
What are your special requests? I’d like to live without dogs or children, please.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



mooseName: Moose Shrek
Favourite treat/food/toy: Dish soap bubbles! So much fun!!
Describe your life in three words: Sweet, curious, lovey.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter: Katy Perry, or Kitty Purrrrry as I would call her.
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? The biggest cat tree I could find!
What are your special requests? I am on some medications and herbs and need special food, please.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



Name: Miss Moose
Favourite treat/food/toy: Greenies!
Describe your life in three words: Calm, sunbeams, ninja.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter: Julia Roberts, a fellow introvert who is mature and classy, just like me.
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? I would have a personal shopper, of course, who would purchase Greenies & a cat tree for every window so I can lay in sunbeams anytime, any place!
What are your special requests? I’d like to be the only four-legged friend in your life, please.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!




Foster of the Week: Princess Peach


Oh, hullo!

Her Royal Highness, Princess Peach (that’s me!!) is pleased to make your acquaintance. How do you do?

I do just fine, thank you very much. Especially now that I am sovereign ruler of Zoe’s Animal Rescue. (I don’t know if they know I have taken command. I think a quiet ruler is a good ruler, so I’m going to keep my royal status tucked under my collar.)

I arrived at Zoe’s with three tiny felines bearing my royal bloodline. After properly grooming my children to rule their own monarchy, I relocated to a sprawling castle called Rabbit Hill Pet Valu. You, my loyal subjects, may visit during appropriate hours. (A foreword: please do not confuse my caution with snobbery. I am a tad shy, but not cold. Give me a moment to warm up and I promise I am a most welcoming princess.)

I am often asked how I feel about others: other cats, dogs, small people. I’m not in a position to say at this moment. However I am a young princess; I feel I could adapt to just about any situation, with appropriate introductions and patience, of course. I can tell you that while I am a most proper princess, I do enjoy a fun romp every now and again. When I have had enough play, I quite enjoy a good snuggle. I like to think I am warm-hearted for a monarch.

The staff at castle Rabbit Hill Pet Valu have proven most accommodating, nevertheless I fancy a permanent castle to call my own.

Should you feel your abode be suitable for a lovely and affectionate young princess such as myself, do submit an application post haste.

Farewell for now!
