

Princess Peach

Foster of the Week: Miss Moose


Quiet, introverted feline who loves salmon and long gazes out the window seeks patient human forever companion with an animal-free home and a never-ending supply of Greenies.

Hi, I’m Miss Moose.

I’m a mature lady who knows what she wants – a calm and patient home with a friend whose ideal Friday night is a simple salmon dinner followed by Netflix and chilling.

I like to take life at my own pace. I can be cautious and skittish, but once I feel comfortable, I am a purr machine of cuddly love. I don’t care for animal companions, they make me uncomfortable. I want to be the only feline in your life. I also don’t care for toys that move on their own, that’s downright freaky. Not to mention rude. (Um, personal space, please.) But I do enjoy a fun romp with balls or toy mice, at a time and place of my choosing. I also like to stash food in corners and nooks around my home; for those times when I feel like a solitary snack in contemplation of life.

I’m not a high maintenance girl, I like the simple life. An easy routine in a home of peaceful zen. But I do need someone who understands that I can be standoffish and timid at times, especially in a new environment. I might need time. But I’m worth it.

So if you’re a calm, cool cat looking for a cute couch compadre, look no further. I’m your gal!

Apply to adopt me today!

Bilbo the wanderer

Foster of the Week: Harrison Beatle


Here comes the sun….. doo doo dooo…..

Here comes the sun….

And I say….. it’s alright…..

Buuuuuuuut it’s not alright to steal chicken drumsticks from your foster mom and make her chase you around the house to get them back.

I don’t know why.

(My foster mom told everyone about that, too. Even shared a picture. Now I’m what you call ‘internet famous.’ For stealing chicken. Imagine that.)

Food is goooooood. I don’t discriminate: Lemon muffins, pasta, cat treats…. GOOD! If a container of food accidentally falls on the floor and the lid accidentally falls off, well, it should be eaten! Wasting food is a crime and I’m no criminal.

I am a ninja-cat!!

I hide in the shadows and stare at my foster people; I dart into garages unnoticed; I leap onto counters without a sound; I sprint at lightening speed to get to my food dish! And I am currently training in the art of water fighting. Only the very best ninja-cats learn this art, you know. I sit beside the sink, wait for my foster mom to turn on the tap, then I bat and bite until my whole face is soaked.

Most ninja-cats prefer to work alone, but I really enjoy the company of fellow felines. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met a cat I didn’t like. They’re great play companions and there’s nothing like a nap with a pal. I like to be pet, when I want to be pet. Good ninja-cats never let their people think they love love too much. It’s part of our mystique. Also you should never touch a ninja-cat’s paws. They’re dangerous weapons! Ninja-cats care not about needing nail trims.

Can I tell you a secret? You HAVE to promise not to tell anyone. It could get me kicked out of Ninja-Cat Academy. Promise not to tell?

Ok. Here goes……

I don’t like to be alone.

Sometimes, when I’m wandering around in the house, I find myself in an empty room, or worse – the basement, and I get a little freaked out, sometimes I even cry. But then my foster mom calls to me and I follow her voice back to the safety of others. Phew!!!

I know. Not very ninja-cat-like, right? That’s why it’s a SECRET.

I must go now. I’ve said too much.

(This message will self-destruct is 15 seconds. Apply to adopt me before it’s too late!!)

Ruby Rose

Foster of the Week: Ginger Cream


Get down! It’s my birth month! Get down! It’s my birth month!!

I’m a year old now!! Wooo!

My birthday wish? A forever playmate.

That’s a requirement, by the way. I really like to play! It’s part of my daily routine.

I start with a morning cuddle session with my foster mom, then she gives me a little cream while she makes her coffee. Mmmmm! After that, it’s play time! I love chasing jingly balls all over the house. I also flip my bed on top of me and ATTACK it from underneath. This is purely for the amusement of my foster mom. Silly humans, so easily amused. My foster mom says I’m a character, I don’t disagree. I’m pretty awesome.

I’m also a most excellent nap buddy. After I ATTACK my foster mom’s toes under her blanket, I like to snuggle in for a cozy sleep. That’s the life, man. Humans are good snugglers. (My foster mom says I have the cutest snore, but I think she’s trying to pass off HER snores as mine.) If my humans don’t have time to snooze with me, I am just fine climbing onto their shoulders for a quick cat nap. Again, I do this for the humans. A warm neck is a happy neck.

People say cats are aloof and anti-social, not me! I love to be right in the middle of the party. If my foster family has company over, I must meet everyone. I also like other cats and dogs. I’m trying to be friends with my foster siblings. The dogs are FUN to chase, but the cat is one of those aloof, anti-social types. (Way to spoil it for the rest of us…) I don’t mind kids, but I’m still kittenish and sometimes spunky – or ‘bitey and scratchy’ as my foster mom calls it. I’m not trying to be mean, I just get carried away sometimes. I would very much appreciate a forever home that understands my sometimes kitten ways.

If you’d like to make my birthday wish come true, apply to adopt me today!

Damon Salvatore

Stefan Salvatore