Kitty Extravaganza: Singles Class

Welcome to Zoe’s Kitty Extravaganza!

For the entire month of August, all of our cats and kittens will be available for adoption by a minimum donation, instead of our regular adoption fees, and each week our blog will feature interviews with a different ‘class’ of felines.

This week: The Singles!

Ready to mingle, these eight fabulous felines are ready to find their forever cuddle bud. Maybe it’s you!!

Name: Spencer
Favourite treat/food/toy: I love the toy ducks in my catio swimming pool!
Describe your life in three words: Happy, laid-back, comedian.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Will Smith – goofy, easy-going and puts his family first. We’d be best buds.
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? The entire toy aisle, especially the electronic fish toys.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? The power of SMILE, which I already have. No one can resist my charming antics.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!


Name: Monday MitchellMondaymitchell (4)
Favourite treat/food/toy: Reusable grocery bags
Describe your life in three words: Cuddly, energetic, adorable.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Whoever invented the nest chair, soooo comfy!!!
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? All. The. Catnip. And crinkly tunnels. I’d join them all together to make a giant tunnel of joy!!
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Fridge-open-ability. So I could feel the cold air over my soft fur any time I want.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!


Name: Layla Mawlayla maw
Favourite treat/food/toy: Anything I can chase. I also love wrestling with the foster kittens. Gently, of course.
Describe your life in three words: Chill, cuddle, play.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Jensen Ackles. I’d love to play with and cuddle that dreamboat….
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? Hmmm… a huge cat tree, catnip, crinkly toys, string toys and a kitten to mother.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Stayandcuddleability, the power to make everyone I meet stay and cuddle with me forever!
Where can we find your bio? Right here!


Name: Jessica Kluthe
Favourite treat/food/toy: My catnip mouse & the water fountain.
Describe your life in three words: Play all day.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Cristiano Ronaldo, he could keep up with my excellent soccer skills.
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? One of every toy.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Invisibility! Sometimes those catnip mice get away from me. If I was invisible, I could sneak up and POUNCE!!
Where can we find your bio? Right here!


lorraineName: Lorraine Osborne
Favourite treat/food/toy: The window hammock, I’m happiest with a view to gaze at.
Describe your life in three words: Sun spot preferred.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Rihanna. She lives the island life & could keep me in hammocks with gorgeous views forever. Plus I’ve heard she knows how to chill.
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? Cat trees and comfy beds.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Flight! I’d fly to the highest comfy spots, catch birds and follows my people to work.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!


Name: Reinforcement
Favourite treat/food/toy: Any kind of wet food is my jam.reinforcement
Describe your life in three words: Relax, recuperate & EAT!
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Jackson Galaxy, America’s Cat Daddy!
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? The entire aisle of wet food.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation, definitely. I’d teleport those dogs AWAY from me and my humans RIGHT NEXT to me.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!


Name: Missymissy
Favourite treat/food/toy: Dried Bison Liver
Describe your life in three words: Snuggly, relaxed, fun.
Who is your dream celebrity adopter? Nathan Fillion
If you won a pet store shopping spree, what would you buy? All the cat trees. ALL OF THEM. And a fancy water fountain.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? CuddleForce! The power to make my human stay home and cuddle all day.
Where can we find your bio? Right here!



Foster of the Week: Layla Maw

layla maw

Hi there, I’m Layla. Pleased to meet you.

Curl up with me in the sunbeam? It’s one of my favourite places to lay.

I came to Zoe’s a couple months ago with my babies. I was pretty nervous, my babies were only one day old when we were taken to this new place. I didn’t know what was going on. The people ended up being so, so lovely. They gave me such a nice space to take care of my babies and then they helped find loving forever homes for each one. And now here I am! Looking for a forever home of my own.

I’m a pretty easy going girl, my foster mom says I am sweetheart. I really love to be around my people. I always try to snuggle up to my foster parents at night, but sometimes the foster dog, Jamba, is already on the bed. I don’t mind dogs, but this one? He likes to torment me. Small dog syndrome probably…. I get along great with the rest of the dogs in my foster home. There’s also a litter of kittens here that I help take care of. They don’t have a mama with them, they need some love.

As lovely and loving as I am, I am still very playful! I love playing with toys and chasing them around. I love my scratching post, too. If you ask me, I am perfectly balanced. I love people and cuddles, but I am perfectly content to curl up in my favourite chair for a snooze. I am fun and playful, but not overly kittenish with super high energy. And I don’t mind dogs, cats or kids, but please know I can be a little choosey with other cats and I much prefer kids who are gentle and respect my space when I ask for it.

Also – did you know August is Kitty Extravaganza here at Zoe’s? That means my adoption fee is reduced!! What are you waiting for?? Check out my bio and apply to adopt me!

Skippyjon Jones

Jax Jones

Furrnando Jones

Roary Williams

Doctor Mew


Lorraine Osborne

Jessica Kluthe