Foster of the Week: Reinforcement



I’m Reinforcement, but you can call me RiRi or Ri for short.

I came to Zoe’s about six months ago after being found seriously injured by a car motor. It was a very scary time in my life, but I was treated by the very best veterinarians and cared for by the loveliest foster mom until I healed up. I’m ready for my forever home, but I suspect my pesky medical condition, caused by that run-in with the motor, might seem overwhelming to all the great families out there.

Rest assured, I am far more than a medical condition. In fact, you will never meet a more perfect mix of playfulness and affection in a feline.  My foster mom describes me as ‘charming, friendly, outgoing, exuberant, mischevious, super-loving, and adorable.’ Quite the list, right? (My foster mom is the sweetest!)

I adore people and will greet you at the door when you come home or come to visit. (No bashfulness here, I love meeting new people too!) I am inquisitive and enjoy following my people throughout their daily activities. I also love curling up in a cozy lap or napping on a warm chest. I’m not all shadows and snores, though! I might be entering my teenage years, but I’m still full kitten when I play. And I do love to play! I’m always pouncing and playing tag with the resident cat in my foster home. He tolerates me very well, but I know I’m a bit much for him some days. My perfect home would have a cat who matches my energy level and loves to play as much as I do.

I am a bit of a, um, food-a-holic. And by ‘bit’ I mean there is nothing I won’t do for a morsel of food. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. I have eaten through plastic to get to cookies and dived into the recycle bin to find the very last lick in the tuna can. All manner of counter deterrents have been tested to absolutely no avail. I am an ‘incorrigible counter surfer.’ I cannot be free fed as I am a total glutton; I must be given small portions throughout the day or I will gulp down my food causing an upset tummy. While my foster mom chuckles at my antics (it’s amazing what a pretty face and sweet disposition can get away with) I have caused some changes in household habits when it comes to food handling and storage.

Which ties into my medical condition…… My run in with that motor caused permanent damage to my pancreas. Treatment for my condition was quite involved at first, but is now quite simple! I can only eat a certain kind of wet food, in small portions as mentioned, and need a monthly injection of Vitamin B – If you give my injection while I’m eating, I won’t even notice. There will always be a risk of a pancreatic flare-up, which is very painful for me and requires a visit to the vet, however, I have not had a flare up since getting my diet under control. (Which is why keeping me away from people food is so important.) With consistent care, my foster mom feels the chance of a flare-up is minimal.

I would love to meet you, I am certain you will fall in love. Submit an application right meow!

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