Protecting Your Dog Against Ticks

by Lindsay Herrick-Somerset 

As the weather warms up, that means more time outside with your dog. But, with the warm season, also means the return of something else: ticks.


Ticks are found specifically in longer grassy areas and in bushes. Even though many people think of them as insects, they are actually arachnids which are similar to spiders and mites. Ticks are parasites that feed off of the blood the host they attach themselves to. Those hosts can be can a human or an animal.


The biggest problem with ticks is that they are carriers of disease, specifically Lyme disease. Lyme disease can be very serious if not treated, with symptoms including a fever, loss of appetite, pain, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, swollen joints and shifting lameness from one leg to another. If not treated, it can cause serious damage to your dog's heart, nervous system and kidneys.


If you suspect that your pet has Lyme disease, take them to their vet as soon as possible. Your vet will want to do a blood panel to be sure and then start your dog on antibiotics right away as Lyme disease is a bacterial illness.


This is why it's extremely important to do a tick check any time your dog has been outside, specifically if they have been in long grassy areas (such as the river valley) or in bushes. The most common places where ticks like to grab on to and most pet owners miss are your dog’s ears, between their toes and arm pits.


What do you do if you find a tick on your dog? The safest way to remove a tick is by using a tick remover tool . Do not touch the tick with your bare hands as bacteria could be transmitted to you. Wear gloves or use a paper towel if you don't have gloves. Grab the tick as close to the skin surface as possible so this reduces the chances of the head detaching. Twist and pull the tick out with steady and even pressure. It may take a minute or two, so be patient. Once the tick has been removed, find a container and take it your vet so they can send it off to a lab to be inspected. Write down the time and place where the bite occurred.


Once the tick has been safely removed, it's very important to disinfect the bite area and your hands as soon as possible.


So, what can you do to prevent your dog from getting ticks? Talk to your vet about what they recommend as there are many different options out there. There are monthly topical treatments that can be applied to your dog that are effective at keeping both ticks and fleas at bay. If your dog attends daycare, most daycare require proof that your dog is having it applied. But be cautious about using any random tick treatment you find at a store as they are not all created equal and/or can be hazardous to your dog.


Also, make sure you check yourself over if you have been out with your pet in high risk areas for ticks. You don't want to take your chances.

A Word from Rocky


Hi!  Remember me, Rocky?  I’m one of the three dogs rescued from the Milk River hoarding case a couple months ago.  And although it looks like I have impeccable manners in this photo, apparently I still have a little bit to learn about being inside a house!

According to my foster mom, Kaitlyn, I’ve progressed a ton though.  At first I was really timid and guarded, hiding in corners and was frightened by humans approaching.  I also wasn’t trained at all or house trained, and my foster mom has trained me on all of that!  I can even sit on command.  Now that I’ve relaxed a bit, everyone can see that I’m a super outgoing and playful cuddle bug who just can’t wait for my forever home.

My foster mom also says that her favorite thing about me is the way I howl and it seems as though I am talking. That’s because I’m a happy pup now and I want to tell the world!  I get along with the whole family, including the other dog, but I think I’m definitely a mama’s boy.

Those who have gotten to know me think I would do my absolute best in an active home with a big yard, and a family willing to work on my training and obedience further. But of course, I’m just hoping for lots of love and cuddles. If you think you’d be the right family for me, consider filling out an adoption form!

Puppy kisses, Rocky.

Kicking Horse Coffee Fundraiser

Want to help puppies and kittens while you sip your coffee? Now you can!


Photo by Yours For Good

Zoe’s Animal Rescue is running a Kicking Horse Coffee fundraiser.

Your purchase of 1 lb bags of whole beans will bring money directly to Zoe’s so we can continue our important work.


At only $14/bag, the varieties available are 454 Horse Power (dark roast), Kick Ass (dark roast), Smart Ass (medium roast), Three Sisters (medium roast), and Z-Wrangler (medium roast).


Contact to purchase your coffee today! Fundraiser ends April 19.

And, if you’re looking for a cute mug to enjoy that delicious coffee in, one of our photographers, Christie Jones, is running a mug fundraiser. Visit her Facebook page for more details.

A New Limb on Life: Groot`s Story

groot2 It was late afternoon on my day off, when I received a message asking me if I was willing to help someone trap a cat that they had been feeding near their home. The usual knot appeared in my stomach, but of course I said yes. Rescue is full of trials and errors, mistakes and conflict. What if I couldn’t do it? Where would he go if I did catch him? What if he refused to be helped? What if he had an owner? My days with rescue are always full of uncertainty and self-doubt. It’s that familiar pain of knowing you are needed, but being helpless to do it.

Nonetheless, I sent a message to the wonderful woman who had been feeding the ginger cat. We discussed meeting the next day, when he would be around for food. He wasn’t friendly, but he ate near her window. She suspected he had been dumped or abandoned a few months ago. The idea didn’t stick – soon after, I received a plea for help – “bits of skin hanging… huge damage… please please try to help me with him”. It was worse than we had expected; the ginger cat appeared to be missing a large portion of his face, yet he wasn’t ready to be picked up and whisked away to a vet. The hunt for a humane trap began.

The character Groot has an interesting background, full of good and evil, rebirth and emotion. Groot is able to communicate with other plant life with his mind, a power that our cat seemingly had over his wonderful caretaker as he looked her in the eyes and said “help me.”

It didn’t take long- the ginger cat was trapped that night, set up in a little room of his own as his caretaker read softly to him all night. He is certainly captivating, telling us all with only his mind that he is so grateful for our help. Groot, in the Marvel world, is a tree-like being with the power of regeneration. Groot, the cat, faced us with a plant-like mass caught up in an open wound on his face, but his power of regeneration has already begun to shine through as his face heals more every day. groot1

Groot tells his foster mom how happy he is to be inside and healing. His body tells a story of survival and determination, marked with scabs and cuts, memories of fights and attacks. Like his cartoon counterpart, Groot has fought his way through his trials and landed himself in a world where he can begin to heal both physically and emotionally. He is a gentle giant, purring and head-butting as his bandages are changed. Like the Marvel Groot, our boy is of few words. He is Groot.

As Groot heals (regrows?), the hunt begins for his happy ending. We hope that one day, our Groot will find his Rocket Raccoon, a best friend that he can get into all sorts of mischief with – but indoors only!! Groot has lived through more than many young cats ever will, and he deserves a life where he is safe from the dangers of the outside. Rocket, we know you’re out there, and Groot is waiting for your application to give him his forever home.

Groot is in need of the following:

  • A Sponsor!! Are you interested in sponsoring Groot’s remaining surgeries? Monthly sponsorships are available.
  • Canned Food! Groot likes Pate, especially the HALO brand.
  • Soft Cones, as the plastic ones can be hard on his exposed skin.
  • Litter! Clumping- he uses clay but wheat or corn based is also great. You can even purchase this item in our estore.
  • Lots of prayers and happy kitty vibes!! Let’s send our own positive mind messages to Groot and tell him he isn’t alone! He is Groot. We are Groot.

Tawnya Summers
Cat Lady, BA (Hon.)

Here is a little video showing just how sweet and loving Groot is. WARNING: It is a little graphic as you can see his open wound.

An Update from Frenchie

FrenchieWell hi! Frenchie here, the lovable fluffy orange cat. I thought I should keep everyone posted on how my life with my amazing foster family is going. My paws are still crossed that I will find my forever home soon. Although I am a cat with some street credit, I am loving my new life indoors. I am pretty much the king at laying around, and I always love a good cuddle. I have made some new friends here too! I love my other cat buddies, and my foster family. There are no dogs here so I am safe. (phewf, they really freak me out) You see I pretty much love humans of all sizes and cat friends but I definitely cannot handle dogs. *shudder*

So I have a confession to make…you see, I was adopted once and, well, I had a few accidents, so I was returned. But. my foster mom will totally vouch for me, I haven’t had one since. Yes sir, you are looking at an accident free cat, never miss the pan, it’s all litter. My foster mom told me it`s a common, and often treatable, problem. Ooo you know I was checking out a blog on the Zoe’s website about litter box issues, you can read it here:

Super helpful and informative for anyone else with a cat who may need some direction for their…well, uh, pee. Well there you have it folks, I am doing well, and getting lots of love while I patiently wait for my forever home. Thanks for checking in!


Ten Things to Know about Fundraising for Zoe's!

FundraisingFundraising is arguably one of the most important parts of running a rescue, but it is often one of the most underutilized resources we have!

Rescue is full of long hours, hard labour, driving, and paperwork, so we rely heavily on the support of our volunteers and our followers to help aid us in our fundraising efforts. Fundraising is an invaluable gift that you can give to any rescue, whether you sell your handmade crafts, or put on a small-business event, your contribution to helping us raise money is a much appreciated gift of time and effort!

Zoe’s has the ability to help you make your fundraisers as successful as possible. We have a team of media experts, waiting on the side to tweet, share, and sell your event! We have experienced fundraisers, ready to give advice and helping hands.

What we don’t have, however, is a fundraising team at our disposal. Ultimately, we want to make your fundraiser effective, successful, and easy for you, but we don’t have the manpower to do it for you.

This being said, we have come up with a list of ways that we can help you help us! Here are some things to know when you decide to give us a helping hand:

  1. You are responsible for your fundraiser. From beginning to end, you are in charge of the whens and wheres and hows. We do not have the manpower to run your fundraiser for you, though we are here every step of the way to support you.
  2. Timing is so important! We know you want to help – and we want your help!! In the past, we’ve seen too many fundraisers running at the same time, or two fundraisers of a similar nature, and the public can get overwhelmed. Check with our media team to see if any fundraisers are in motion and when, and set yours up so it has it’s own time to shine.
  3. Marketing is essential. We do have a media team who can promote your event and help with some advertising, but you need to provide us with content and pictures. Use your networks to help you create posters and graphics, and then let us know what you want and when you want it. Telling us you’re doing a fundraiser doesn’t help us help you – we need to know what to share with the public and how to direct them to you.
  4. Online is more effective than offline. Create a Facebook event or a website we can direct people to. Sell products using an online ordering system, or provide an e-mail option to order products. Don’t expect the public to show up to fundraiser nights, rather, give them the most opportunity you can to get their business.
  5. Consider possible legalities and stipulations. Raffles and similar fundraisers often require a license from Alberta Gaming and Liquor, as well as age minimums surrounding who can purchase tickets. There are ways to avoid having to get a license, but they are relatively easy to get and may be necessary. Look into how to protect yourself before starting a fundraiser.
  6. Realize that what you can offer greatly impacts how likely you are to be supported. While we, and the public, appreciate and want to support all fundraisers, knowing that 40% or 60% of a small business purchase goes to Zoe’s is a lot more inciting than 10%. Every penny helps, and we want all those pennies – but the majority of people want to give as much as they can from a fundraiser. It’s just one of those facts that we want you to know.
  7. Sell at events! Our adoption events aren’t huge- but they are an opportunity to draw in a completely different crowd who is often looking for alternate ways to support rescues. Sometimes you aren’t ready to foster or adopt, but you’d love to purchase that dog print to hang in your living room, knowing 100% of it went to our animals!
  8. If you are a volunteer, look to expand your audience. There is a huge network of over 6000 supporters on Facebook alone, and thy are often an untapped resource for help! Keeping fundraisers to the Zoe’s volunteer group can at time be relatively disappointing. We are often exhausted from rescue work, and broke from the last fundraiser! Use these tips to expand your customers and clientele.
  9. Run everything by us first. We appreciate the help and want you to know how grateful we really are! However, you don’t know what is going on behind the scenes in terms of fundraising, marketing, or even ability to promote your fundraiser at the time. Using an example from a previous experience, we had a volunteer do a small-business fundraiser within the volunteer group only. As soon as she finished, a supporter told us she was doing the same small-business fundraiser for us and asked us to advertise. We did, of course, as she had already set it up and had posters and events on Facebook. Sadly, her fundraiser was ineffective as a core group of fundraiser supporters had already purchased her product a week before, behind the scenes.
  10. Join us! If you are interested in helping us kickstart a huge fundraiser like a silent auction or a festival, put in a volunteer application or ask to join the events team. We do a few large fundraisers a year, put on by and for Zoe’s Animal Rescue, and are always looking for more hands and ideas!

Vendor Event in Beaumont

Looking to pick up some neat items and support Zoe’s at the same time? This Saturday from 10am to 4pm there will be a HUGE vendor event at Beaumont Composite High School. There will be lots of shopping with prizes to be won!

The vendors confirmed so far are:
Arbonne Products
Silpada Designs
Zoe’s bakery goods
Steeped Tea
Discovery Toys
South hill designs
It Works Wraps
Spikerdog Woofware
Parklane Jewelry
Passion parties
Sparkle Tattoos
Hidden City Imports

A convenient way to get some shopping done all in one place and support Zoe’s!

Save-A-Stuffie Adoption Event & Fundraiser

saveastuffieThis Saturday, Zoe’s is breaking all the rules and having an on-the-spot adoption event – for stuffed animals! Stop by North Town Petsmart from 1 to 3pm to adopt a new friend for you, your children, or even your pet. Hey, stuffies deserve loving homes too!

There will also be a few adoptable Zoe’s dogs at the event. Rocky and Prince William may make an appearance.





Prince WIlliam

Stop by and say hello!

Our Kittens Need Your Help

Zoe’s was recently asked to help in a case where 31 cats and kittens were in desperate need of a rescue. While we’ve helped transfer and arrange transportation for many of the cats, seven of them will be staying with us (stay tuned for their profiles!).


With this influx we are in desperate need of supplies. We have a wish list of items we are always looking for, but these are some of the specifics at the moment:


To make donating super easy, these items can be purchased through a donation in our Estore. The money donated will be used to provide our animals with the care they need.

They also make a really cute gift – give your friend or family member the gift of milk to feed hungry kittens! How cute is that?StorePromo2
We’ve also reached the limit on our vet bills and will be holding off on intakes until we can pay them back. If you’d like to donate in a more traditional way, you can do so at ATB Cares where they match 15% of every dollar!

All of the volunteers that make up Zoe’s Animal Rescue would like to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who continues to support us. No donation is too small – we appreciate every penny we get!

Volunteers Needed for May 9th!

Hello blog readers and animal lovers,

We know you want to help and support a great organization like Zoes! We’re 100% volunteer-run, and any money we make goes directly to helping animals in need get treatment and find their new family.

Zoe’s animal rescue will be hosting it’s 3rd Annual Organic Composted Soil Sale on May 9, 2015 at the North Glenora Community Centre. Proceeds of the sale go towards helping Zoe’s Animal Rescue with hospital fees, rehabilitation, spaying/neutering, food, and more.

We need YOUR help! 

We’re looking for 15-20 volunteers who can be there at 7:00 a.m. the day of the sale to help shovel & guide traffic & other assorted duties. Any help you can offer – even just a two hour time commitment – would be very appreciated!

Please email Mae Croft to volunteer or get more information at

Han Solo

Zoe helps animals like Han Solo find their forever homes! If you’d like to adopt this sweet boy, please view his page here.





Reasons to Foster

10599709_784909314892257_7274016074077330553_n  1. To find the best match for your other pets and family members

2. To help the neglected or abused animals with no voice

3. To teach responsibility

4. To socialize your pets

5. Foster animals have a better chance of good placement than animals adopted out of a shelter/kennel

6. Helping animals without the long term commitment of ownership

7. No vet bills, cost of food etc. Zoe’s pays for everything

8. Be a place for animals to go, who are currently living tied up outdoors, or abandoned and left to die

9. Animals are very therapeutic – that’s scientifically proven

10. The feeling you get when your foster gets adopted and you know that you helped them on the road to their second chance at a happy life

11.And we could go on!

I decided to ask our team of volunteers and fosters why they chose to foster with Zoe’s.

95% of our volunteer group said that it’s the people. We have AMAZING members, who do so much for the community and are so supportive. Kath and Sasha, the co-directors are phenomenal – all the Zoe’s volunteers and fosters would agree. We have a great homechecker as well, so you always know that an animal is really going to the right home. Andrea is incredible – and one of the nicest people you will ever meet. There are tons of other people, as well, who make up an amazing team we call the Zoe’s Family.

Another great thing about Zoe’s is our adoption process. Not only do we choose the best application for that animal, but it is followed by a meet and greet, reference checks, home check.. all to make sure it really is that animals furever home. We are very proud of our return rate of 3% or lower.

Zoe’s is an incredibly supportive group of people of all ages – families, couples, room-mates… the list goes on. And we would LOVE to add you to our team. At Zoe’s, our mission is to be the voice for those animals who don’t have one. They need our help – and we need yours. We are so proud of how big this rescue has become – and how many animals we have placed into their furever homes, and given a second chance at life.

If you’re interested in becoming a part of this team, whether it’s fostering, organizing events, running a fundraiser, or even just transporting animals or picking up donations – please fill out a foster or volunteer application on our website. It could save an animal’s life – or many!

– Maggie Hamilton