Brachycephalic Syndrome in Dogs

by Lauren Erhardt

Brachycephalic: short headed

You may wonder why some dogs such as Pekingese, English bulldogs, French bulldogs, Pugs and Boston Terriers pant and snore a lot.  Additionally, if you’re thinking of adopting one of these kinds of dogs you may wish to be aware of genetic issues so you can give them the kind of care and attention they need.  These issues are caused by Brachycephalic Syndrome which causes obstructive breathing due to the shape of the head, muzzle or throat.  In short, these dogs have shortened skulls compared to other breeds.  When dogs are selectively bred to produce a flat “cute” face, genetic issues like these may result.  Dogs with longer muzzles will have  fewer issues because they can breathe easier.   

Problems suffered by Pugs due to Brachycephalic Syndrome:

  • Serious breathing difficulties
  • High blood pressure (info link)
  • Fainting or collapsing due to a lack of oxygen
  • Highly disrupted sleep
  • Excessive flatulence due to excessive gulping and swallowing of air to try to overcome their breathing difficulties

More information:                      

If you have a dog with this syndrome, you should always check with your vet, however, some steps you can take to help make him/her more comfortable include ensuring your dog is not overweight as this can exacerbate the symptoms,  and not over exercising your dog.