Pozole Glamping


More photos of me can be found here.

Pozole Glamping   |   Female   |   Domestic Explorer (DSH)   |  

Rescue Story:

I'm so glad I'm in care and not outside right now! Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Date of Birth: August 2022

Energy Level: High

Size (adult): Medium

Adoption Fee: $225 for me or $350 if you adopt me with my sister Tostada.

Good with Dogs? Very specific dog(s) only
Only calm cat friendly dogs who won't chase me, with proper introductions of course.
Good with Cats? Must have a cat friend
Especially cat friendly cats and proper introductions. I do need a very playful youngish cat friend or to be adopted with Tostada.
Good with Kids? Yes
Especially if they are gentle with me but older kids are best as I am still learning to not use my claws.

Critter Twitter:

I am one stunning, very smart kitten. I love to explore and I am intrigued by new people. But I will watch from afar for a bit to assess if they are good people or not. I love to play and I am quite independent. But once I am tired I will come to curl up around your next for a quick snooze. Sometimes on your lap. It's not a constant thing but does happen especially once settled in and my energy is burned out. #sosweet

About my Behaviour:

I am a bit skittish initially and will take a bit of time to settle in. Lots of wand toy play, scheduled feedings, and love.

I am very kitty social and would need to be adopted with my sister Tostada or to a home with another young cat-friendly cat. One who will play with me. With slow proper introductions of course.

How’s my Health?

I am vetted. The number of vaccines depends on the length in Zoe's care.

Apply to Adopt Me