Jeff Grover


More photos of me can be found here.

Jeff Grover   |   Male   |   Domestic Floofer (DLH)   |  

Rescue Story:

I am one of many kitties from an overrun house. Apparently it doesn't take too long if you have multiple unfixed cats.

Date of Birth: April 13, 2020

Energy Level: High

Size (adult): Medium/large

Adoption Fee:

Good with Dogs? Unknown
We’ve never seen one of those but would probably love to play with one if cat friendly and proper introductions.
Good with Cats? Yes
I must be adopted with James. We are BFFs. Any other cats we are good with proper introductions.
Good with Kids? Yes
We would love kids to help tire us out.

Critter Twitter:

I love a good nap and a snuggle with my brother or foster mom. Foster mom thinks I am a pretty smart cookie. And that I am going to grow up to be big boy based on my size already! I am little calmer than my brother. It might be because I am big kitten and it takes more energy for me to run around as much. I am a big snuggler. #smartcookie #bigboykitty

About my Behaviour:

I need to be adopted with my brother James. We love each other so much. Our motto is “play hard, sleep hard”. We keep each other entertained and then fall asleep in one big floofy cuddle puddle. The resident cat in the house laid down the law early that he doesn’t want to be bothered often. But that doesn’t mean we don’t still love him and try and get him to play with us. We even try to cuddle him when he sleeps on the bed with foster mom (and sometimes he lets us!). My bro and I look quite similar but I do have a grey spot on my head, it might not stay though. Thankfully I have wider face and will probably always be larger in size then my brother so even if it goes away, you should be easily able to tell the difference.

How’s my Health?

I will be fixed, at least 2nd set of shots, micro-chipped and dewormed prior to adoption.

Apply to Adopt Me