Dancer Deer


More photos of me can be found here.

Dancer Deer   |   Male   |   Domestic cutie (DSH)   |  

Rescue Story:

My mom was abandoned out in the country, Zoe's agreed to take all us kittens to find forever homes. It took a bit for my sibling and I to be ready, but now we are ready for a forever home together!

Date of Birth: September 1, 2020

Energy Level: High

Size (adult): Medium

Adoption Fee:

Good with Dogs? Unknown

Good with Cats? Yes
I must be adopted with Vixen, we are good with other cats with proper introductions.
Good with Kids? Yes
Especially if they are gentle with me.

Critter Twitter:

I am the sweetest kitten who loves to be picked up and held. I even come when called to my name or my nickname Daniel, how smart is that! I love to play, especially with my sister and yes we get into mischief. But it's hard to stay mad at a cute face like mine. I love jumping off of things, and heights so a few nice multi leveled cat trees and even some cat shelves would be awesome. I am quite vocal so you must be ok with a chatty kitty. I do like belly rubs and will greet you with a purr. #sweetboy

About my Behaviour:

I must be adopted with my bff Vixen. Never met any dogs though sorry, so I don't know how I would react. Kids I would be good with if they are gentle. My sister and I will require a sanctuary room with a few litter boxes just to help us settle in nicely.

How’s my Health?

I am fully vetted. I can not be free fed as I love food and I will get fat which is not good for my health. I do require at least, some wet food in my daily diet. I do prefer soft litter and having a few litter boxes placed around the home.

Apply to Adopt Me