An Update from Frenchie

FrenchieWell hi! Frenchie here, the lovable fluffy orange cat. I thought I should keep everyone posted on how my life with my amazing foster family is going. My paws are still crossed that I will find my forever home soon. Although I am a cat with some street credit, I am loving my new life indoors. I am pretty much the king at laying around, and I always love a good cuddle. I have made some new friends here too! I love my other cat buddies, and my foster family. There are no dogs here so I am safe. (phewf, they really freak me out) You see I pretty much love humans of all sizes and cat friends but I definitely cannot handle dogs. *shudder*

So I have a confession to make…you see, I was adopted once and, well, I had a few accidents, so I was returned. But. my foster mom will totally vouch for me, I haven’t had one since. Yes sir, you are looking at an accident free cat, never miss the pan, it’s all litter. My foster mom told me it`s a common, and often treatable, problem. Ooo you know I was checking out a blog on the Zoe’s website about litter box issues, you can read it here:

Super helpful and informative for anyone else with a cat who may need some direction for their…well, uh, pee. Well there you have it folks, I am doing well, and getting lots of love while I patiently wait for my forever home. Thanks for checking in!
